Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11
(too old to reply)
Ilena Rose
2004-09-10 17:55:18 UTC
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.

I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty



Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | September 8 2004

For almost three years since 9/11 independent researchers have
stockpiled individual smoking guns which prove that the official
version of events was not only a lie but operationally impossible.

However, no single smoking gun has yet been forwarded to explain why
air defenses categorically reversed Standard Operating Procedure and
failed to respond to hijacked jetliners.

Until now. More and more individuals are looking at the facts and
highlighting exercise drills that took place on the morning of 9/11.

It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in
operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This
meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners
at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the
exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled
and delayed.

The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real
and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged
hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been
hijacked. Click here for that article.

The drill scenario also explains a comment made by air traffic control
personnel which was featured in a July 2004 BBC television report.
Click here for that video clip and article. The controller is told
that a hijacked airliner is heading for New York and responds by
saying, "is this real world or an exercise?"

Alex Jones was one of the first to highlight the wargames in his
documentary film 'Masters of Terror', which was released in August
2002. Click here to watch a video clip. Alex explains why the
Associated Press later had to admit the fact that the CIA were running
drills of crashing planes into buildings on the morning of 9/11.

What were the drills called and what was their nature?

1) OPERATION NORTHERN VIGILANCE: This was planned months in advance of
9/11 and ensured that on the morning of 9/11, jet fighters were
removed from patrolling the US east coast and sent to Alaska and
Canada, therefore reducing the amount of fighter planes available to
protect the east coast.

2) BIOWARFARE EXERCISE TRIPOD II: Alex Jones first reported on this
back in May when Rudolph Giuliani let the details of it slip in his
testimony to the 9/11 Commission. FEMA arrived in New York on
September 10th to set up a command post located at Pier 29 under the
auspices of a 'biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. This
explains why Tom Kenney of FEMA's National Urban Search and Rescue
Team, told Dan Rather of CBS News that FEMA had arrived in New York on
the night of September 10th. This was originally dismissed as a slip
of the tongue. Giuliani was to use this post as a command post on 9/11
after he evacuated WTC Building 7. As we reported back in January,
Giuliani knew when to leave WTC 7 because he got advanced warning that
the Trade Towers were about to collapse. "We were operating out of
there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna
collapse," Rudolph Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News. How did
Giuliani know the towers were about to collapse when no steel building
in history had previously collapsed from fire damage?

3) OPERATION VIGILANT GUARDIAN: This exercise simulated hijacked
planes in the north eastern sector and started to coincide with 9/11.
Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, NORAD unit's airborne control and warning
officer, was overseeing the exercise. At 8:40am she took a call from
Boston Center which said it had a hijacked airliner. Her first words,
as quoted by Newhouse News Service were, "It must be part of the
exercise." This is another example of how the numerous drills on the
morning of 9/11 deliberately distracted NORAD so that the real
hijacked planes couldn't be intercepted in time.

4) OPERATION NORTHERN GUARDIAN: The details of this exercise are still
scant but it is considered to be part of Vigilant Guardian, relating
to simulating hijacked planes in the north eastern sector.

5) OPERATION VIGILANT WARRIOR: This was referenced in Richard Clarke's
book 'Against All Enemies'. It is thought to have been the 'attack'
component of the Vigilant Guardian exercise.

Another example of how air defenses were purposefully kept preoccupied
so they couldn't protect New York was reported by this website in
December of 2003. The Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing, based
at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, were just eight
minutes away from New York and could have intercepted both Flight 11
and Flight 175.

Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters
from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City
runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble.

But on the morning of 9/11, the F-16's were performing bombing runs
over an empty stretch of the Pine Barrens near Atlantic City after
being decommissioned from their usual role of protecting the skies of
the east coast.

It was only after both trade towers were hit that the two F-16s landed
and were refitted with air-to-air missiles, then sent aloft.

Now that we have established how NORAD were confused, delayed and
distracted by the numerous wargames, the next question to ask is who
if anyone was aware of which planes were 'real world' and which planes
were 'exercise'? The answer to this question will provide us with the
name of the individual who ran the operatonal execution of the 9/11

Dick Cheney.

Cheney was initially taken by the secret service to an underground
bunker in the White House called the Presidential Emergency Operations

From there, according to CNN, Cheney directed the US government's
response to the unfolding attack.

Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the Presidential
Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as Flight 77
approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the 9/11
Commission, Secretary Mineta testified:

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President,
"The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it
got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to
the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice
President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the
orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
but that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it
find its target.

Mineta stated that he did not know what the 'order' was because he
wasn't there when it was made.

After the Pentagon was hit, Cheney was transfered to another bunker in
what the Philadelphia Daily News describes as 'the underground

Site R, a highly secure complex of buildings inside Raven Rock
Mountain near Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., close to the
Maryland-Pennsylvania state line and about seven miles north of Camp
David, is a 53-year-old facility conceived at the start of the Cold
War as an alternate command center in the event of nuclear war or an
attack on Washington.

The bunker is built into a mountain hillside and is virtually
camouflaged to the naked eye. The location betrays itself by the vast
gaggle of satellites, microwave towers and antennae that festoon the
perimeter. Inside the facility there are computer filled caverns and
communication and tracking technology that would put a James Bond
movie to shame.

The entire facility is guarded by heavily armed military police.

Within hours of 9/11 unfolding, five choppers had landed on the
facility's helipad and top officials such as Paul Wolfowitz were
ushered in to join Cheney in the command bunker.

Site R - also known as Raven Rock or the Alternate Joint
Communications Center is from where vice-President Dick Cheney ran the
aftermath of the 9/11 attack. Cheney's command superceded the orders
of the Pentagon, the FAA or the White House. He is the number one
suspect in the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people.

In May of 2001, by presidential order, Cheney was handed direct
control of all wargame and drill operations. This meant he was solely
in charge of the overlapping NORAD drills and wargames on the morning
of 9/11, that prevented Standard Operating Procedure from being
implemented, and any of the hijacked planes being intercepted.

The smoking guns of 9/11 are no longer disparate jigsaw pieces that
serve to just raise more questions than they answer. We now have a
coherent and plausible explanation of how the events unfolded, why
there was no air defense response, and a prime suspect as to who
executed these actions. The facts fit this version of events.

The 9/11 truth movement has just taken a giant leap towards
dismantling the lies of September 11and finally offering justice for
those who lost their lives on that terrible day.


E mail your comment on this article to ***@hotmail.com and
have it posted here.



In re. to: "Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the
Presidential Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as
Flight 77 approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the
9/11 Commission, Secretary Mineta testified:

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The
plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got
down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the
President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned
and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still
Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it find
its target."






Thanks for the article on the wargames part of the 911 Coverup. One
VERY important point no one talks about anymore: The air traffic
controllers were ORDERED to take the tape recordings of 911 and cut
them up into 1/4" pieces and scatter them in DIFFERENT wastebaskets.
WHO GAVE THIS ORDER? It's VERY interesting. Thanks for all your good
M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10, 2004
2004-09-10 21:08:57 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.
I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty
Even after I told you that I knew what happened, i.e., my friends and
neighbors were murdered, you still post that crap.

Yesd, you are utterly intellectually bankrupt and your reality check
Ilena Rose
2004-09-10 21:18:27 UTC
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 21:08:57 GMT, "M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10,
Post by M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10, 2004
Post by Ilena Rose
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.
I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty
Even after I told you that I knew what happened, i.e., my friends and
neighbors were murdered, you still post that crap.
Yesd, you are utterly intellectually bankrupt and your reality check
Says you ...

I lost friends there too ... millions of us did.

That doesn't mean ... like you ... we claim to have been on the inner
workings of the Plan to destroy the WTC and the Pentagon ...

If you weren't a part of the Plan ... you know nothing.

(OF course in YOUR case ... that is status Marla quo.)

M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10, 2004
2004-09-10 21:43:36 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 21:08:57 GMT, "M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10,
Post by M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10, 2004
Post by Ilena Rose
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.
I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty
Even after I told you that I knew what happened, i.e., my friends and
neighbors were murdered, you still post that crap.
Yesd, you are utterly intellectually bankrupt and your reality check
Says you ...
Correct. Says me, who lives right nearby.
Post by Ilena Rose
I lost friends there too ... millions of us did.
Why do I think you are lying? Because you are. YOU havenever mentioned it
before, and, of course, since you play vicitm so well, it would have been a
natural thing for you to do.
Post by Ilena Rose
That doesn't mean ... like you ... we claim to have been on the inner
workings of the Plan to destroy the WTC and the Pentagon ...
I never claimed that, moron, and you have yet to post the URL tosupport such
claim. As usual, you blather and bleat, but do not provide substance.
Post by Ilena Rose
If you weren't a part of the Plan ... you know nothing.
Actually, YOU know nothing, as I have so accurately proven.
Post by Ilena Rose
(OF course in YOUR case ... that is status Mark quo.)
Once again, you post the URL proving your illness.
Ilena Rose
2004-09-10 23:00:34 UTC
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 17:43:10 GMT, "M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10,
That is your sentiment and you are entitled to it. However, I know of the
losses, the suffering, the broken families. I know of one woman with four
children, two of the handicapped, who will never know their father. I know
of one family where the shock of the loss caused the wife to miscarry. I
know of one family where they lost one of the greatest fathers.
If what you say above is true ... I would think you would want to know
what REALLY happened ...

I do.
Yes, I do know what reallyhappened.
No you don't. You know the outcome ... not the Plan ... or do you?
2700+ people were murdered.
And you are recommending a cover up to investigating all of the
possible scenarios?

Typical Propaganda from you Marla.

You are using the misery of that day to try to suppress the
investigation ...

Ever hear of PNAC?, Marla?

It's been talked about on this webage about Andy ... fellow Posse
Member for quite a while


You can read the original letter there sent by Wolfowitz and Team to
Clinton in 1998.

Here is a full discussion on this matter ... or as your Posses call
it... Black Helicopters.


Friday, September 10th, 2004
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire

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We hear an excerpt of a new documentary by the Media Education
Foundation, "Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of
American Empire" which examines how the Bush administration used Sept.
11 to transform American foreign policy and enter a phase of so-called
preemptive warfare while rolling back civil liberties and social
programs at home. [includes rush transcript]

A new documentary "Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of
American Empire" examines how the Bush administration used Sept. 11 to
transform American foreign policy and enter a phase of so-called
preemptive warfare while rolling back civil liberties and social
programs at home.

The film is produced by the Media Education Foundation and features
former government officials combined with many of the leading scholars
and thinkers of our time including Noam Chomsky, Norman Mailer,
Chalmers Johnson, Daniel Ellsberg, Tariq Ali and more. The film is
narrated by Julian Bond.

* Sut Jhally, director of the new documentary "Hijacking
Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear and the Selling of American Empire." He is a
professor at the University of Massachusetts and the founder and
executive director of the Media Education Foundation.
* Hijacking Catastrophe, excerpt of documentary.


AMY GOODMAN: We're going to start, though, with the man who produced
this film at Media Education Foundation, his name is Sut Jhally
director of Hijacking Catastrophe, a professor at the University of
Massachusetts. Welcome to Democracy Now!

SUT JHALLY: Good morning, Amy.

AMY GOODMAN: It's interesting to talk to you, Sut, from Buffalo, a
city that has suffered from the aftermath of 9/11, to talk you to, who
have come to New York, and now are in our Firehouse Studios, just
blocks from Ground Zero. Can you introduce Hijacking Catastrophe, why
you made it?

SUT JHALLY: When we sat down to think about this film about a year
ago, myself and the co-director and producer of this, Jeremy Earp, we
wanted to do two things: We wanted to explain clearly what exactly the
war in Iraq was about. Given that the lies of the Bush administration
are totally unraveling, the lies about the weapons of mass
destruction, the lies about Saddam Hussein being connected to Osama
Bin Laden. We wanted to get at the real reasons for the war. To do
that, we have to trace back the influence of a small right wing cabal
within this Bush administration. And the plans that they had laid out
for the invasion of Iraq actually ten years ago. On one hand, we
wanted to give Americans a clear explanation of why exactly are we in
this mess in Iraq and the incredible costs that are being paid in
terms of dead and maimed American soldiers, tens of thousands of dead
Iraqis and billions of dollars flowing out of this country. What are
the reasons for that. That was one reason. The other thing we wanted
to do, we tried to anticipate a year ago, what exactly the Republican
strategy would be to try and sell this crazy war. And in fact, after
looking at the convention last week, we actually hit it almost dead
on. We knew that they would be evoking the memory of 9/11. We knew
they would be trying to scare people so that they would not think
clearly about what was going to be going on. And that they would be
presenting themselves as strong leaders and also denigrating the
Democrats as, as Arnold Schwarzenegger said, as "girlie men." So we
also wanted to look at the selling of this. The film does both. The
film looks at why we're there and also how this crazy agenda has been
sold to the American people. What's really interesting is when Paul
Wolfowitz first came up with this in 1992, Paul Wolfowitz is now
Deputy to Rumsfeld in the Department of Defense. When he first wrote,
in 1992, the tail end of the first Bush administration, he wrote
something called "The Defense Planning Guidance." In this was the
first laying out of a post-Cold War era strategy for America, in which
they would become, in which America would become the sole superpower
for essentially forever. When this was first announced in 1992,
everyone thought was crazy. People within the administration thought
he was crazy. Joseph Biden was the leading Democrat at that time. He
could barely speak when he heard this. Our European allies were up in
arms. Now what is really interesting is: What was crazy in 1992, by
2002 had become official government policy. And what we look at is how
9/11 was used to sell that, how the fear and anxiety engendered by
9/11 was used by this administration to push through this agenda that
they could not have gotten any other way.

AMY GOODMAN: We're talking to Sut Jhally, who is the director of this
new film, Hijacking Catastrophe. He is the Executive Director of the
Media Education Foundation. Let's take a look and a listen to a clip
of Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear and The Selling of American
Empire. In this clip, we begin with the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate,
Jody Williams.

JODY WILLIAMS: I understand that they want the American public to
believe that the invasion of Iraq was the response to September 11. I
think it is a lie. I believe that it is part of a neoconservative
agenda to assert that American hegemony is untouchable, and September
11 gave them the opportunity to put in play plans that they had been
considering since the first Bush administration.

NARRATOR: In all of its previous incarnations and long before 9/11 and
the current war on terror, the Wolfowitz doctrine had identified
regime change in Iraq as a crucial first step towards global
domination by force. In a widely circulated letter to President Bill
Clinton in 1998, the members of the Project for the New American
Century challenged the President to act forcefully and militarily to
remove Saddam Hussein from power. Two years later, George W. Bush
would hand-pick many of these same neoconservatives for key foreign
policy posts in the Pentagon and State Department. Once installed in
government positions, as recent interviews with a number of former
members of the Bush administration have revealed, the group maintained
its long-standing focus on Iraq, a focus that intensified after the
attacks of September 11.

MARK DANNER: In the meetings of the inner sanctum of the Bush
administration, the attack on Iraq was brought out from almost the
first days. Even though there was no evidence whatever that the Iraqis
had been involved in this.

RICHARD CLARKE: They dragged me into a room with a couple of other
people, shut the door, and said, I want you to find whether Iraq did
this. George Bush wanted me to come back with a report that said Iraq
did this.

PAUL O'NEILL: From the very beginning, there was a conviction that
Saddam Hussein was a bad person, and that he needed to go.

NARRATOR: Just five hours after American airlines Flight 77 struck the
Pentagon, and without any evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the
attacks of 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was already
ordering his aides to draw up plans for striking Iraq. The notes quote
Rumsfeld as saying he wanted: "Best info fast. Judge whether good
enough hit S.H.," meaning Saddam Hussein. "Go massive," Rumsfeld
continued in the notes. "Sweep it all up. Things related, and not."

CHALMERS JOHNSON: The problem for the Bush administration is that
plans that had already existed for regime change in Iraq had to be
justified. They could not just go in without public support. The
public support was creating by connecting Saddam Hussein to those
fears of terrorism. The fear generated by 9/11, the fear of terrorist
networks has to be transferred to Iraq, that is, the American people
have to learn to be as afraid of Saddam Hussein as they are of Osama
Bin Laden.

NARRATOR: Soon after September 11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
set up a small intelligence office in the Pentagon, the Office of
Special Plans to create the rationales for the already planned attack
on Iraq. To convince people that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of
mass destruction, and that he was linked to Al Qaeda and 9/11.
Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski worked in the Pentagon's Near
East and South Asia Office. She witnessed how the Office of Special
Plans issued talking points about Iraq for senior government officials
allegedly based on intelligence.

KAREN KWIATKOWSKI: The information there drawn from fact. You can find
bits and pieces of fact throughout, but framed, articulated, crafted
to convince someone of what? Well, of things that weren't true. Things
that were not true. 9/11, Al Qaeda related to Saddam Hussein, possibly
some involvement there.

GEORGE W. BUSH: The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the
campaign against terror. We have removed an ally of Al Qaeda.

KAREN KWIATKOWSKI: The very things that a year later, President Bush
himself denies, and feigns his surprise: "I don't know why everybody
thinks that."

GEORGE W. BUSH: We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved
with September 11.

KAREN KWIATKOWSKI: I worked in a place where they concentrated on
preparing this story line and selling it to everybody they could
possibly sell it to.

CHALMERS JOHNSON: It wasn't the failure of intelligence, it was the
manipulation of intelligence to achieve a political goal. They were
disciplined. They stayed on message, they marshaled all of their
forces in this relentless public relations campaign to convince the
American people that there was a threat from Iraq.

NEWS ANNOUNCER: Day four of the Bush team's full court press giving
speech after speech after speech and issuing reports.

DONALD RUMSFELD: The United States knows that Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction. Any country on the face of the earth with an active
intelligence program knows that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.

COLIN POWELL: There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of
mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use
against our friends, against our allies and against us.

GEORGE BUSH: The choice is his – and if he does not disarm, the United
States of America will lead a coalition and disarm him in the name of

KAREN KWIATKOWSKI: And the President's mouth, the Vice President's
mouth these same things that were given to us to put into our
superiors, the senior civilian leadership's mouths – he said things
that were us to put to our theories now. These were not based on
intelligence that we saw and everyone saw. They were based on a very
selective reading of the intelligence and a creative packaging that
you could put through these two big points that the President and Vice
President and the whole neoconservative community used to justify this
pre-emptive war on Iraq.

AMY GOODMAN: That was Karen Kwiatkowski, former Pentagon employee,
part of the documentary, Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear and The
Selling of American Empire. It is produced by Sut Jhally the Media
Education Foundation in Western Massachusetts. Sut Jhally is in our
New York studio. I'm here in Buffalo. Sut Jhally, can you talk about
the power of these films at this time? You have got Hijacking
Catastrophe, your film. There's Outfoxed, the film by Robert
Greenwald. Of course, Michael Moore's, Fahrenheit 9/11, the
significance of them coming now?

SUT JHALLY: I think Robert Greenwald's Outfoxed, and Michael Moore's,
Fahrenheit 9/11, showed the tremendous need and desire there is for
people for new information at this time. I think the effects of these
films we'll only find out once the election has been held. The key to
that is these films are – the key to the films is not only that
they're produced, but they're watched, that they're used, they're used
by activists and they engage with what's going on at that time. So
distribution, I think is the most important aspect of this. I have
been very encouraged by how widespread these films have been. Our film
is opening tonight at Cinema Village in New York. It's opening in
theaters around the country as well, but only a small number of them.
I really support people to support independent film. We are also
distributing this film through our website. We want this film to be
available now, and so in fact these films have also indicated a new
way to distribute which is not just theatrical, we can distribute in
DVD at the same time. The website is http://hijackingcatastrophe.org/.
We want to encourage people to get it now and show it to their
friends. People that you wouldn't normally talk to about those things.
Take it to your cable access station and show it.

AMY GOODMAN: Briefly, the purpose of the Media Education Foundation?

SUT JHALLY: We make films and videos to do with the media's effect on
society. What we really try to do is take the latest cutting edge
academic research and translate it into an accessible form, so you
don't have to be an expert to understand it and to make knowledge in
the University really matter in the world out there. I can't think of
a more important time for that to happen than in the next eight weeks
coming up to this election. Hijacking Catastrophe is an attempt to
take what we know, the latest cutting edge research that we know, the
truth that we know, to put it in an accessible form so that ordinary
people can engage with the most important issues of day.

AMY GOODMAN: And again your website.

SUT JHALLY: Our website is http://hijackingcatastrophe.org/. We are
committed to getting this out in a major way. We have priced it very
affordably. People can get it for $20. We hope that people will take
it and use it as much as possible between now and November 2nd.

AMY GOODMAN: And it's opening in tonight in New York at Cinema Village
and can open anywhere in the country, just ask your movie theater. Sut
Jhally, thank you for being with us. Professor at the University of
Massachusetts, Founder and Executive Director of the Media Education


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2004-09-11 00:57:28 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 17:43:10 GMT, "M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10,
That is your sentiment and you are entitled to it. However, I know of the
losses, the suffering, the broken families. I know of one woman with four
children, two of the handicapped, who will never know their father. I know
of one family where the shock of the loss caused the wife to miscarry. I
know of one family where they lost one of the greatest fathers.
If what you say above is true ... I would think you would want to know
what REALLY happened ...
I do.
Yes, I do know what reallyhappened.
No you don't. You know the outcome ... not the Plan ... or do you
Ilena, is nothing sacred to you? On the eve of the
anniversary of 9/11 you bring this shit up, you
paranoid, know-it-all wacko bitch.
Ilena Rose
2004-09-11 01:02:44 UTC
Post by Coleah
Ilena, is nothing sacred to you? On the eve of the
anniversary of 9/11 you bring this shit up, you
paranoid, know-it-all wacko bitch.
Yes ... finding out the truth about this tragedy is very sacred to me
... the World deserves to know what really happened ...

Updated 9.ll.04
2004-09-11 01:16:52 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Post by Coleah
Ilena, is nothing sacred to you? On the eve of the
anniversary of 9/11 you bring this shit up, you
paranoid, know-it-all wacko bitch.
Yes ... finding out the truth about this tragedy is very sacred to me
... the World deserves to know what really happened ...
Running around the internet accusing others of
being part of the 'plan' is NOT sacred. Your
behavior is unforgivable, self-centered and insane....
and will not be easily forgotten, by many.
Ilena Rose
2004-09-11 01:25:08 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Yes ... finding out the truth about this tragedy is very sacred to me
... the World deserves to know what really happened ...
Updated 9.11.04
Carey Gregory
2004-09-11 01:44:06 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Yes ... finding out the truth about this tragedy is very sacred to me
... the World deserves to know what really happened ...
What a crock of shit. What an incredibly despicable piece of lying scum you
2004-09-11 20:18:41 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Post by Coleah
Ilena, is nothing sacred to you? On the eve of the
anniversary of 9/11 you bring this shit up, you
paranoid, know-it-all wacko bitch.
Yes ... finding out the truth about this tragedy is very sacred to me
... the World deserves to know what really happened ...
So why don't you tell us what YOU think "really happened" three years
ago? Enough of this vague "the world deserves to know what really
happened" crap. Clearly you don't entirely accept the "official" version
of what happened on September 11, 2001 (of which, to me, the closest
approximation is probably the report of the 9/11 Commission).

So tell us, what, specifically, about the standard version of 9/11 don't
you believe and why?
Orac |"A statement of fact cannot be insolent."
|"If you cannot listen to the answers, why do you
| inconvenience me with questions?"
M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 11, 2004
2004-09-11 19:07:23 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 17:43:10 GMT, "M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 10,
That is your sentiment and you are entitled to it. However, I know of the
losses, the suffering, the broken families. I know of one woman with four
children, two of the handicapped, who will never know their father. I know
of one family where the shock of the loss caused the wife to miscarry. I
know of one family where they lost one of the greatest fathers.
If what you say above is true ... I would think you would want to know
what REALLY happened ...
I do.
I don't buy into whacko consiracy theories as easily as you do. I read that
site, and found more holes than the annual cheese exposition in Geneva.
Post by Ilena Rose
Yes, I do know what reallyhappened.
No you don't. You know the outcome ... not the Plan ... or do you?
I see, so there is a secret paln...and you know it. Why have you not come
forwafrd to tell anyone? If you had told me, I would have arranged for you
to testify infront of the 9/11 Commission. Of of the Commissioners is a
classmate of mine.
Post by Ilena Rose
2700+ people were murdered.
And you are recommending a cover up to investigating all of the
possible scenarios?
I am suggesting that there is ample evidence to support the presently
accepted one, and that all others are so utterly absurd, or defective that
they are not credible. Like the one that says that allthe jews stayed home
that day since we were told in out Temples not to go to work.

You really have to be more critical in you analysis.
Post by Ilena Rose
Typical Propaganda from you Mark.
Typical stupidity from you.
Post by Ilena Rose
You are using the misery of that day to try to suppress the
investigation ...
Another strawman, you idiot. Want me to turn the tables on you agian? Last
time, you bleated an brayed like a jackass.
Post by Ilena Rose
Ever hear of PNAC?, Marla?
Yes...a bit weird, don't you think?
Post by Ilena Rose
It's been talked about on this webage about Andy ... fellow Posse
Member for quite a while
I found that website to be devoid of credible information. The author has no
ability to analyze information or present it in a coherent manner.
Post by Ilena Rose
You can read the original letter there sent by Wolfowitz and Team to
Clinton in 1998.
Here is a full discussion on this matter ... or as your Posses call
it... Black Helicopters.
Ilena Rose
2004-09-11 19:14:20 UTC
Post by M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 11, 2004
Post by Ilena Rose
No you don't. You know the outcome ... not the Plan ... or do you?
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 19:07:23 GMT, "M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 11,
Post by M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 11, 2004
I see, so there is a secret paln...and you know it.
You ditz ... I have never claimed to know what the plan was to destroy
the WTC and the Pentagon ... that was your claim ....

And was there a secret plan ...

Probably in QuackLand where you dwell ... it's all just Black
Helicopters ... and I made it all up ...

Ilena Rose
2004-09-11 19:16:31 UTC
Post by M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 11, 2004
Post by Ilena Rose
Ever hear of PNAC?, Marla?
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 19:07:23 GMT, "M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 11,
Post by M,a,r,k P,r,o,b,e,r,t-September 11, 2004
Yes...a bit weird, don't you think?
Yes ... I think that the plan to take over Iraq by Wolfowitz and Gang
in the 90's is "weird" ...

Details here:


Probert and Langer of the above URL are Ragtag Posse Quack Teammates:

2004-09-11 00:20:32 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.
I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty
Clearly you don't know what happened, if you believe any of this
half-baked, conspiracy blathering that you posted.
Orac |"A statement of fact cannot be insolent."
|"If you cannot listen to the answers, why do you
| inconvenience me with questions?"
Ilena Rose
2004-09-11 15:47:58 UTC
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.

I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty



Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | September 8 2004

For almost three years since 9/11 independent researchers have
stockpiled individual smoking guns which prove that the official
version of events was not only a lie but operationally impossible.

However, no single smoking gun has yet been forwarded to explain why
air defenses categorically reversed Standard Operating Procedure and
failed to respond to hijacked jetliners.

Until now. More and more individuals are looking at the facts and
highlighting exercise drills that took place on the morning of 9/11.

It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in
operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This
meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners
at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the
exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled
and delayed.

The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real
and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged
hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been
hijacked. Click here for that article.

The drill scenario also explains a comment made by air traffic control
personnel which was featured in a July 2004 BBC television report.
Click here for that video clip and article. The controller is told
that a hijacked airliner is heading for New York and responds by
saying, "is this real world or an exercise?"

Alex Jones was one of the first to highlight the wargames in his
documentary film 'Masters of Terror', which was released in August
2002. Click here to watch a video clip. Alex explains why the
Associated Press later had to admit the fact that the CIA were running
drills of crashing planes into buildings on the morning of 9/11.

What were the drills called and what was their nature?

1) OPERATION NORTHERN VIGILANCE: This was planned months in advance of
9/11 and ensured that on the morning of 9/11, jet fighters were
removed from patrolling the US east coast and sent to Alaska and
Canada, therefore reducing the amount of fighter planes available to
protect the east coast.

2) BIOWARFARE EXERCISE TRIPOD II: Alex Jones first reported on this
back in May when Rudolph Giuliani let the details of it slip in his
testimony to the 9/11 Commission. FEMA arrived in New York on
September 10th to set up a command post located at Pier 29 under the
auspices of a 'biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. This
explains why Tom Kenney of FEMA's National Urban Search and Rescue
Team, told Dan Rather of CBS News that FEMA had arrived in New York on
the night of September 10th. This was originally dismissed as a slip
of the tongue. Giuliani was to use this post as a command post on 9/11
after he evacuated WTC Building 7. As we reported back in January,
Giuliani knew when to leave WTC 7 because he got advanced warning that
the Trade Towers were about to collapse. "We were operating out of
there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna
collapse," Rudolph Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News. How did
Giuliani know the towers were about to collapse when no steel building
in history had previously collapsed from fire damage?

3) OPERATION VIGILANT GUARDIAN: This exercise simulated hijacked
planes in the north eastern sector and started to coincide with 9/11.
Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, NORAD unit's airborne control and warning
officer, was overseeing the exercise. At 8:40am she took a call from
Boston Center which said it had a hijacked airliner. Her first words,
as quoted by Newhouse News Service were, "It must be part of the
exercise." This is another example of how the numerous drills on the
morning of 9/11 deliberately distracted NORAD so that the real
hijacked planes couldn't be intercepted in time.

4) OPERATION NORTHERN GUARDIAN: The details of this exercise are still
scant but it is considered to be part of Vigilant Guardian, relating
to simulating hijacked planes in the north eastern sector.

5) OPERATION VIGILANT WARRIOR: This was referenced in Richard Clarke's
book 'Against All Enemies'. It is thought to have been the 'attack'
component of the Vigilant Guardian exercise.

Another example of how air defenses were purposefully kept preoccupied
so they couldn't protect New York was reported by this website in
December of 2003. The Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing, based
at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, were just eight
minutes away from New York and could have intercepted both Flight 11
and Flight 175.

Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters
from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City
runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble.

But on the morning of 9/11, the F-16's were performing bombing runs
over an empty stretch of the Pine Barrens near Atlantic City after
being decommissioned from their usual role of protecting the skies of
the east coast.

It was only after both trade towers were hit that the two F-16s landed
and were refitted with air-to-air missiles, then sent aloft.

Now that we have established how NORAD were confused, delayed and
distracted by the numerous wargames, the next question to ask is who
if anyone was aware of which planes were 'real world' and which planes
were 'exercise'? The answer to this question will provide us with the
name of the individual who ran the operatonal execution of the 9/11

Dick Cheney.

Cheney was initially taken by the secret service to an underground
bunker in the White House called the Presidential Emergency Operations

From there, according to CNN, Cheney directed the US government's
response to the unfolding attack.

Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the Presidential
Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as Flight 77
approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the 9/11
Commission, Secretary Mineta testified:

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President,
"The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it
got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to
the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice
President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the
orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
but that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it
find its target.

Mineta stated that he did not know what the 'order' was because he
wasn't there when it was made.

After the Pentagon was hit, Cheney was transfered to another bunker in
what the Philadelphia Daily News describes as 'the underground

Site R, a highly secure complex of buildings inside Raven Rock
Mountain near Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., close to the
Maryland-Pennsylvania state line and about seven miles north of Camp
David, is a 53-year-old facility conceived at the start of the Cold
War as an alternate command center in the event of nuclear war or an
attack on Washington.

The bunker is built into a mountain hillside and is virtually
camouflaged to the naked eye. The location betrays itself by the vast
gaggle of satellites, microwave towers and antennae that festoon the
perimeter. Inside the facility there are computer filled caverns and
communication and tracking technology that would put a James Bond
movie to shame.

The entire facility is guarded by heavily armed military police.

Within hours of 9/11 unfolding, five choppers had landed on the
facility's helipad and top officials such as Paul Wolfowitz were
ushered in to join Cheney in the command bunker.

Site R - also known as Raven Rock or the Alternate Joint
Communications Center is from where vice-President Dick Cheney ran the
aftermath of the 9/11 attack. Cheney's command superceded the orders
of the Pentagon, the FAA or the White House. He is the number one
suspect in the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people.

In May of 2001, by presidential order, Cheney was handed direct
control of all wargame and drill operations. This meant he was solely
in charge of the overlapping NORAD drills and wargames on the morning
of 9/11, that prevented Standard Operating Procedure from being
implemented, and any of the hijacked planes being intercepted.

The smoking guns of 9/11 are no longer disparate jigsaw pieces that
serve to just raise more questions than they answer. We now have a
coherent and plausible explanation of how the events unfolded, why
there was no air defense response, and a prime suspect as to who
executed these actions. The facts fit this version of events.

The 9/11 truth movement has just taken a giant leap towards
dismantling the lies of September 11and finally offering justice for
those who lost their lives on that terrible day.


E mail your comment on this article to ***@hotmail.com and
have it posted here.



In re. to: "Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the
Presidential Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as
Flight 77 approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the
9/11 Commission, Secretary Mineta testified:

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The
plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got
down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the
President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned
and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still
Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it find
its target."






Thanks for the article on the wargames part of the 911 Coverup. One
VERY important point no one talks about anymore: The air traffic
controllers were ORDERED to take the tape recordings of 911 and cut
them up into 1/4" pieces and scatter them in DIFFERENT wastebaskets.
WHO GAVE THIS ORDER? It's VERY interesting. Thanks for all your good
Ilena Rose
2004-09-11 16:08:26 UTC
Other opinions of the causes of 9/11 ...

2004-09-11 16:33:19 UTC
You fucking bitch!
Post by Ilena Rose
Other opinions of the causes of 9/11 ...
2004-09-11 20:20:59 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Other opinions of the causes of 9/11 ...
I get a "Page not found" message.
Orac |"A statement of fact cannot be insolent."
|"If you cannot listen to the answers, why do you
| inconvenience me with questions?"
2004-09-11 16:19:02 UTC
DIGNITY fell in the TOILET again......
Post by Ilena Rose
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.
I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11
Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | September 8 2004
For almost three years since 9/11 independent researchers have
stockpiled individual smoking guns which prove that the official
version of events was not only a lie but operationally impossible.
However, no single smoking gun has yet been forwarded to explain why
air defenses categorically reversed Standard Operating Procedure and
failed to respond to hijacked jetliners.
Until now. More and more individuals are looking at the facts and
highlighting exercise drills that took place on the morning of 9/11.
It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in
operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This
meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners
at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the
exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled
and delayed.
The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real
and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged
hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been
hijacked. Click here for that article.
The drill scenario also explains a comment made by air traffic control
personnel which was featured in a July 2004 BBC television report.
Click here for that video clip and article. The controller is told
that a hijacked airliner is heading for New York and responds by
saying, "is this real world or an exercise?"
Alex Jones was one of the first to highlight the wargames in his
documentary film 'Masters of Terror', which was released in August
2002. Click here to watch a video clip. Alex explains why the
Associated Press later had to admit the fact that the CIA were running
drills of crashing planes into buildings on the morning of 9/11.
What were the drills called and what was their nature?
1) OPERATION NORTHERN VIGILANCE: This was planned months in advance of
9/11 and ensured that on the morning of 9/11, jet fighters were
removed from patrolling the US east coast and sent to Alaska and
Canada, therefore reducing the amount of fighter planes available to
protect the east coast.
2) BIOWARFARE EXERCISE TRIPOD II: Alex Jones first reported on this
back in May when Rudolph Giuliani let the details of it slip in his
testimony to the 9/11 Commission. FEMA arrived in New York on
September 10th to set up a command post located at Pier 29 under the
auspices of a 'biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. This
explains why Tom Kenney of FEMA's National Urban Search and Rescue
Team, told Dan Rather of CBS News that FEMA had arrived in New York on
the night of September 10th. This was originally dismissed as a slip
of the tongue. Giuliani was to use this post as a command post on 9/11
after he evacuated WTC Building 7. As we reported back in January,
Giuliani knew when to leave WTC 7 because he got advanced warning that
the Trade Towers were about to collapse. "We were operating out of
there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna
collapse," Rudolph Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News. How did
Giuliani know the towers were about to collapse when no steel building
in history had previously collapsed from fire damage?
3) OPERATION VIGILANT GUARDIAN: This exercise simulated hijacked
planes in the north eastern sector and started to coincide with 9/11.
Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, NORAD unit's airborne control and warning
officer, was overseeing the exercise. At 8:40am she took a call from
Boston Center which said it had a hijacked airliner. Her first words,
as quoted by Newhouse News Service were, "It must be part of the
exercise." This is another example of how the numerous drills on the
morning of 9/11 deliberately distracted NORAD so that the real
hijacked planes couldn't be intercepted in time.
4) OPERATION NORTHERN GUARDIAN: The details of this exercise are still
scant but it is considered to be part of Vigilant Guardian, relating
to simulating hijacked planes in the north eastern sector.
5) OPERATION VIGILANT WARRIOR: This was referenced in Richard Clarke's
book 'Against All Enemies'. It is thought to have been the 'attack'
component of the Vigilant Guardian exercise.
Another example of how air defenses were purposefully kept preoccupied
so they couldn't protect New York was reported by this website in
December of 2003. The Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing, based
at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, were just eight
minutes away from New York and could have intercepted both Flight 11
and Flight 175.
Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters
from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City
runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble.
But on the morning of 9/11, the F-16's were performing bombing runs
over an empty stretch of the Pine Barrens near Atlantic City after
being decommissioned from their usual role of protecting the skies of
the east coast.
It was only after both trade towers were hit that the two F-16s landed
and were refitted with air-to-air missiles, then sent aloft.
Now that we have established how NORAD were confused, delayed and
distracted by the numerous wargames, the next question to ask is who
if anyone was aware of which planes were 'real world' and which planes
were 'exercise'? The answer to this question will provide us with the
name of the individual who ran the operatonal execution of the 9/11
Dick Cheney.
Cheney was initially taken by the secret service to an underground
bunker in the White House called the Presidential Emergency Operations
From there, according to CNN, Cheney directed the US government's
response to the unfolding attack.
Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the Presidential
Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as Flight 77
approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the 9/11
"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President,
"The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it
got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to
the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice
President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the
orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"
As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
but that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it
find its target.
Mineta stated that he did not know what the 'order' was because he
wasn't there when it was made.
After the Pentagon was hit, Cheney was transfered to another bunker in
what the Philadelphia Daily News describes as 'the underground
Site R, a highly secure complex of buildings inside Raven Rock
Mountain near Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., close to the
Maryland-Pennsylvania state line and about seven miles north of Camp
David, is a 53-year-old facility conceived at the start of the Cold
War as an alternate command center in the event of nuclear war or an
attack on Washington.
The bunker is built into a mountain hillside and is virtually
camouflaged to the naked eye. The location betrays itself by the vast
gaggle of satellites, microwave towers and antennae that festoon the
perimeter. Inside the facility there are computer filled caverns and
communication and tracking technology that would put a James Bond
movie to shame.
The entire facility is guarded by heavily armed military police.
Within hours of 9/11 unfolding, five choppers had landed on the
facility's helipad and top officials such as Paul Wolfowitz were
ushered in to join Cheney in the command bunker.
Site R - also known as Raven Rock or the Alternate Joint
Communications Center is from where vice-President Dick Cheney ran the
aftermath of the 9/11 attack. Cheney's command superceded the orders
of the Pentagon, the FAA or the White House. He is the number one
suspect in the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people.
In May of 2001, by presidential order, Cheney was handed direct
control of all wargame and drill operations. This meant he was solely
in charge of the overlapping NORAD drills and wargames on the morning
of 9/11, that prevented Standard Operating Procedure from being
implemented, and any of the hijacked planes being intercepted.
The smoking guns of 9/11 are no longer disparate jigsaw pieces that
serve to just raise more questions than they answer. We now have a
coherent and plausible explanation of how the events unfolded, why
there was no air defense response, and a prime suspect as to who
executed these actions. The facts fit this version of events.
The 9/11 truth movement has just taken a giant leap towards
dismantling the lies of September 11and finally offering justice for
those who lost their lives on that terrible day.
have it posted here.
In re. to: "Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the
Presidential Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as
Flight 77 approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the
"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The
plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got
down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the
President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned
and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still
Have you heard anything to the contrary?"
As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it find
its target."
Thanks for the article on the wargames part of the 911 Coverup. One
VERY important point no one talks about anymore: The air traffic
controllers were ORDERED to take the tape recordings of 911 and cut
them up into 1/4" pieces and scatter them in DIFFERENT wastebaskets.
WHO GAVE THIS ORDER? It's VERY interesting. Thanks for all your good
Ilena Rose
2004-09-11 16:24:47 UTC
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 09:19:02 -0700, "Coleah" <***@comcast.net>
showed up and
Post by Coleah
DIGNITY fell in the TOILET again.....
2004-09-11 16:35:16 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
showed up and
Post by Coleah
DIGNITY fell in the TOILET again.....
2004-09-11 20:19:55 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Since PharmaFlack Mark S Probert has dribbled all over this important
article in a frenzy of impotent distraction ... I will repost it.
I do not believe his claims that he "knows what happened" except if
that is an admission he was part of the Team that planned this Mighty
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11
Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | September 8 2004
[Snip paranoid conspiracy theory crap]

Reposting paranoid ravings of conspiracy theorists doesn't make them any
less crap, Ilena.
Orac |"A statement of fact cannot be insolent."
|"If you cannot listen to the answers, why do you
| inconvenience me with questions?"
Ilena Rose
2004-11-01 19:02:22 UTC

Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | September 8 2004

For almost three years since 9/11 independent researchers have
stockpiled individual smoking guns which prove that the official
version of events was not only a lie but operationally impossible.

However, no single smoking gun has yet been forwarded to explain why
air defenses categorically reversed Standard Operating Procedure and
failed to respond to hijacked jetliners.

Until now. More and more individuals are looking at the facts and
highlighting exercise drills that took place on the morning of 9/11.

It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in
operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This
meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners
at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the
exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled
and delayed.

The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real
and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged
hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been
hijacked. Click here for that article.

The drill scenario also explains a comment made by air traffic control
personnel which was featured in a July 2004 BBC television report.
Click here for that video clip and article. The controller is told
that a hijacked airliner is heading for New York and responds by
saying, "is this real world or an exercise?"

Alex Jones was one of the first to highlight the wargames in his
documentary film 'Masters of Terror', which was released in August
2002. Click here to watch a video clip. Alex explains why the
Associated Press later had to admit the fact that the CIA were running
drills of crashing planes into buildings on the morning of 9/11.

What were the drills called and what was their nature?

1) OPERATION NORTHERN VIGILANCE: This was planned months in advance of
9/11 and ensured that on the morning of 9/11, jet fighters were
removed from patrolling the US east coast and sent to Alaska and
Canada, therefore reducing the amount of fighter planes available to
protect the east coast.

2) BIOWARFARE EXERCISE TRIPOD II: Alex Jones first reported on this
back in May when Rudolph Giuliani let the details of it slip in his
testimony to the 9/11 Commission. FEMA arrived in New York on
September 10th to set up a command post located at Pier 29 under the
auspices of a 'biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. This
explains why Tom Kenney of FEMA's National Urban Search and Rescue
Team, told Dan Rather of CBS News that FEMA had arrived in New York on
the night of September 10th. This was originally dismissed as a slip
of the tongue. Giuliani was to use this post as a command post on 9/11
after he evacuated WTC Building 7. As we reported back in January,
Giuliani knew when to leave WTC 7 because he got advanced warning that
the Trade Towers were about to collapse. "We were operating out of
there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna
collapse," Rudolph Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News. How did
Giuliani know the towers were about to collapse when no steel building
in history had previously collapsed from fire damage?

3) OPERATION VIGILANT GUARDIAN: This exercise simulated hijacked
planes in the north eastern sector and started to coincide with 9/11.
Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, NORAD unit's airborne control and warning
officer, was overseeing the exercise. At 8:40am she took a call from
Boston Center which said it had a hijacked airliner. Her first words,
as quoted by Newhouse News Service were, "It must be part of the
exercise." This is another example of how the numerous drills on the
morning of 9/11 deliberately distracted NORAD so that the real
hijacked planes couldn't be intercepted in time.

4) OPERATION NORTHERN GUARDIAN: The details of this exercise are still
scant but it is considered to be part of Vigilant Guardian, relating
to simulating hijacked planes in the north eastern sector.

5) OPERATION VIGILANT WARRIOR: This was referenced in Richard Clarke's
book 'Against All Enemies'. It is thought to have been the 'attack'
component of the Vigilant Guardian exercise.

Another example of how air defenses were purposefully kept preoccupied
so they couldn't protect New York was reported by this website in
December of 2003. The Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing, based
at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, were just eight
minutes away from New York and could have intercepted both Flight 11
and Flight 175.

Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters
from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City
runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble.

But on the morning of 9/11, the F-16's were performing bombing runs
over an empty stretch of the Pine Barrens near Atlantic City after
being decommissioned from their usual role of protecting the skies of
the east coast.

It was only after both trade towers were hit that the two F-16s landed
and were refitted with air-to-air missiles, then sent aloft.

Now that we have established how NORAD were confused, delayed and
distracted by the numerous wargames, the next question to ask is who
if anyone was aware of which planes were 'real world' and which planes
were 'exercise'? The answer to this question will provide us with the
name of the individual who ran the operatonal execution of the 9/11

Dick Cheney.

Cheney was initially taken by the secret service to an underground
bunker in the White House called the Presidential Emergency Operations

From there, according to CNN, Cheney directed the US government's
response to the unfolding attack.

Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the Presidential
Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as Flight 77
approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the 9/11
Commission, Secretary Mineta testified:

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President,
"The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it
got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to
the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice
President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the
orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
but that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it
find its target.

Mineta stated that he did not know what the 'order' was because he
wasn't there when it was made.

After the Pentagon was hit, Cheney was transfered to another bunker in
what the Philadelphia Daily News describes as 'the underground

Site R, a highly secure complex of buildings inside Raven Rock
Mountain near Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., close to the
Maryland-Pennsylvania state line and about seven miles north of Camp
David, is a 53-year-old facility conceived at the start of the Cold
War as an alternate command center in the event of nuclear war or an
attack on Washington.

The bunker is built into a mountain hillside and is virtually
camouflaged to the naked eye. The location betrays itself by the vast
gaggle of satellites, microwave towers and antennae that festoon the
perimeter. Inside the facility there are computer filled caverns and
communication and tracking technology that would put a James Bond
movie to shame.

The entire facility is guarded by heavily armed military police.

Within hours of 9/11 unfolding, five choppers had landed on the
facility's helipad and top officials such as Paul Wolfowitz were
ushered in to join Cheney in the command bunker.

Site R - also known as Raven Rock or the Alternate Joint
Communications Center is from where vice-President Dick Cheney ran the
aftermath of the 9/11 attack. Cheney's command superceded the orders
of the Pentagon, the FAA or the White House. He is the number one
suspect in the murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people.

In May of 2001, by presidential order, Cheney was handed direct
control of all wargame and drill operations. This meant he was solely
in charge of the overlapping NORAD drills and wargames on the morning
of 9/11, that prevented Standard Operating Procedure from being
implemented, and any of the hijacked planes being intercepted.

The smoking guns of 9/11 are no longer disparate jigsaw pieces that
serve to just raise more questions than they answer. We now have a
coherent and plausible explanation of how the events unfolded, why
there was no air defense response, and a prime suspect as to who
executed these actions. The facts fit this version of events.

The 9/11 truth movement has just taken a giant leap towards
dismantling the lies of September 11and finally offering justice for
those who lost their lives on that terrible day.


E mail your comment on this article to ***@hotmail.com and
have it posted here.



In re. to: "Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the
Presidential Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as
Flight 77 approached Washington, D.C. On May 23, 2003 in front of the
9/11 Commission, Secretary Mineta testified:

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon,
was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The
plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got
down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the
President, "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned
and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still
Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

As the plane in question hit the Pentagon, what else can we conclude
that the 'order' was not to shoot down the aircraft and to let it find
its target."






Thanks for the article on the wargames part of the 911 Coverup. One
VERY important point no one talks about anymore: The air traffic
controllers were ORDERED to take the tape recordings of 911 and cut
them up into 1/4" pieces and scatter them in DIFFERENT wastebaskets.
WHO GAVE THIS ORDER? It's VERY interesting. Thanks for all your good
2004-11-01 19:17:57 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11.................
Didn't realize you were endorsing Nader.

Ilena Rose
2004-11-01 19:53:35 UTC
Post by carabelli
Post by Ilena Rose
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11.................
Didn't realize you were endorsing Nader.
You still don't!
just me
2005-01-03 20:50:35 UTC
Another misdirection instead of an answer about the post. Thats two of you
guys now.
Post by carabelli
Post by Ilena Rose
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of
Post by carabelli
Didn't realize you were endorsing Nader.
Mark Probert
2005-01-03 21:04:57 UTC
Conspiracy bullshit is not worthy of intelligent discussion.
Post by just me
Another misdirection instead of an answer about the post. Thats two of you
guys now.
Post by carabelli
Post by Ilena Rose
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of
Post by carabelli
Didn't realize you were endorsing Nader.
Ilena Rose
2005-01-04 00:04:59 UTC
LOL ... and PropagandistProbert KNOWS Propaganda ... LOL



On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 16:04:57 -0500, "Mark Probert" <Mark
Post by Mark Probert
Conspiracy bullshit is not worthy of intelligent discussion.
Post by just me
Another misdirection instead of an answer about the post. Thats two of you
guys now.
Post by carabelli
Post by Ilena Rose
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of
Post by carabelli
Didn't realize you were endorsing Nader.
Mark Probert
2005-01-04 01:57:18 UTC
Post by Ilena Rose
LOL ... and PropagandistProbert KNOWS Propaganda ... LOL
I conclusively proved that you wefre spreading hate-America propaganda when
you posted that Arab article about harvesting organs. You never refuted the
points that were raised int he URLs I posted.

So, yes, I know propaganda when I see it. You call it fact, I call it

That is why you are a moron.
Post by Ilena Rose
On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 16:04:57 -0500, "Mark Probert" <Mark
Post by Mark Probert
Conspiracy bullshit is not worthy of intelligent discussion.
Post by just me
Another misdirection instead of an answer about the post. Thats two of you
guys now.
Post by Ilena Rose
Post by Mark Probert
Post by just me
Post by carabelli
Post by Ilena Rose
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of
Post by carabelli
Didn't realize you were endorsing Nader.
2005-01-04 03:19:50 UTC
Post by just me
Another misdirection instead of an answer about the post.
Thats two of you
guys now.
With the possible exception of "misc.healdines" the real
question is, "what does this have to do with the topics of
the groups to which it is posted?"